Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back to Melbourne

Getting lazier and lazier to blog stuff these days... I'm gonna use rojak language for this post, so bear with me~

Today's my 5th day back in Melbourne, and already I'm very pek chek at the cold --- back to wearing socks, jackets, etc. etc. all day AT HOME and hot baths, lack of lovely food --- I miss Mum's cooking T-T, and good entertainment --- TV here ar, haih~

我很不舍得古晋..... 我的家人、 朋友、哥罗面、弹钢琴、 Astro..... 连暑热都想念=.=。

On the plus side, internet connection here is much, much faster than in Kuching. I have a whole new semester to look forward to... I'm going to study better this semester!

I have a whole week free before uni starts ^-^. My sister and I had planned to visit the Melbourne Zoo、Melbourne Aquarium, trawl around City Centre, go window shooping etc. --- but because H1N1 still very serious here, a lot of plans had to be cancelled. AND her semester starts this week, so I'm very much bored at home. =.= So pitiful...

昨天陪姐姐去city:她上课;我在自己的campus荡,哈哈。去图书馆借多多DVD回家一起看。查时间表 --- 学校的automatic allocating system排得蛮惨的,所以必须到student centre调整。买物理课本。也去了艾珊的apartment呆,哈哈。很废的一天。


Friday, July 10, 2009

Results Released Today (O_o)

今天成绩放榜了... 我在大学的第一学期.... 好紧张!想起几个星期前的自己,那里kin tio考试.... 平时不念书、做笔记etc... 不像一些人那么勤奋。考试前才来pia,不知道自己考得好不好啊~ 怕怕...

成绩在澳洲早上10点(也就是马来西亚的8点)放榜。早上载那两粒小瓜上学,荡了一会儿就8点了,可是我又不敢去看... 呜~~~考到很差怎么办??? 还是晚点看好了。哈哈.....
后来,姐姐陪我坐在电脑前;Login 后,鼠标点击“Get My Results” 的大大按钮(真的很大,超级恐怖...),荧幕空白一阵子,开始load了...... *呼吸困难*

MY RESULTS (Subject--Mark--Grade)
Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice--073--H2B
Chemistry for Biomedicine------------085--H1
Calculus 2----------------------------088--H1
Biomolecules and Cells----------------089--H1

RESULT CODES (Grade---Mark---Description)
H1-----80-100---First Class Honours
H2A---75-79-----Second Class Honours Division A
H2B---70-74-----Second Class Honours Division B
H3----65-69-----Third Class Honours

Ei?!? 还不错~感谢主!我要来haolian一下,哈哈。看,数学,和中学时比起来,好多了~ 其实是中学的数学比大学的难(真的!)^-^。没想到,超难的Chemistry还有85分,嘿嘿。生物我最满意啦。Pfff...我的Creative Writing ,=.=" 还希望至少有H2A。算了~
