Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Back to Melbourne

Getting lazier and lazier to blog stuff these days... I'm gonna use rojak language for this post, so bear with me~

Today's my 5th day back in Melbourne, and already I'm very pek chek at the cold --- back to wearing socks, jackets, etc. etc. all day AT HOME and hot baths, lack of lovely food --- I miss Mum's cooking T-T, and good entertainment --- TV here ar, haih~

我很不舍得古晋..... 我的家人、 朋友、哥罗面、弹钢琴、 Astro..... 连暑热都想念=.=。

On the plus side, internet connection here is much, much faster than in Kuching. I have a whole new semester to look forward to... I'm going to study better this semester!

I have a whole week free before uni starts ^-^. My sister and I had planned to visit the Melbourne Zoo、Melbourne Aquarium, trawl around City Centre, go window shooping etc. --- but because H1N1 still very serious here, a lot of plans had to be cancelled. AND her semester starts this week, so I'm very much bored at home. =.= So pitiful...

昨天陪姐姐去city:她上课;我在自己的campus荡,哈哈。去图书馆借多多DVD回家一起看。查时间表 --- 学校的automatic allocating system排得蛮惨的,所以必须到student centre调整。买物理课本。也去了艾珊的apartment呆,哈哈。很废的一天。



Amy said...

OMG, I can't help but say this post very emo and lame =.=

How did such a thing come out from me, haha

Sunny side up said...

Hey..so paiseh ahahah..the other day you came and totally bore yourself out!! haahah..cause i was too into the game..but now i'm not anymore..so it's okie for you to visit already! hhahahaha..then i'll probably try to persuade you into getting some ice cream with me and eat it in the windy cold winter outside!! hahhahahh

JiAYinG said...


Yuling said...

haha.. really rojak ar.. hehe..

i'll miss u too le amy~~
i think next time we meet will be on CNY liao..

getting some ice cream and eat it in the windy cold winter outside
nice!! Amy, u can try..
but dont get cold.. haha..

Amy said...

to i sun:
haha don't worry about it! i had fun playing with your piano. thanks for letting me kill time in your apartment haha

to jiaying:

to yuling:
哈哈,很rojak厚。haha, ice cream sounds good, considering the crazy cold weather!