Saturday, May 30, 2009

Swot Vac


时间过得好快... Week12 料罗~ @_@

没想到一个学期就这么过去了。我还没习惯自己是个大学生的念头呢! 其实一个学期是很短的时间罢了啦,只有12个星期在上课耶!
Week 1 to 6 ---> Easter break (1 week) ---> Week 7 to 12 ---> Swot Vac(1 week) ---> Exam Period (3 weeks)

昨天是最后一天上课,很多人(尤其是那些a-mo)都很开心。下个星期就是 Swot Vac 了...

我起初也搞不懂 Swot Vac 是什么鬼来的,原来是复习周。 =.= 我想应该是"Swot Vacation"的简称呱... 因为"Swot" 是K书的意思嘛... Haiyo,做么不会叫 Revision Week 就是料,还叫到酱好听,什么 vacation 罗 ...

每个人有四科,所以在 Exam Period 的那三个星期里有其中四天有考试。我的 Breadth subject 是 Creative Writing,只需交 assignments,不用考试的(耶~),所以我只考三科!

Swot Vac: 埋在书堆里... T-T
Exam Week 1: (Tue) Biomolecules & Cells, (Fri) Calculus 2
Exam Week 2: 没有考试 ^-^ (可以pia化学 - 化学超难!)
Exam Week 3: (Tue) Chemistry for Biomedicine

Science students 比较soi,他们Exam Week 1就连续三天考三科(wakao~)。好可怜,Swot Vac 就要pia完三个科目...

我的化学(最后一科)在6月23号考,是雨驹的生日,要记得打给她~ 而且当天晚上就要搭12点的飞机回古晋了!

Woo~ 好期待! 回去看 Eric 、吃妈妈的菜肴、找玉玲和思霓,可以看Astro、弹钢琴~

唉,要开始念书了,显... 加油加油!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stupid, stupid Amy!

Another busy week has gone by. OMG, so tired... We dissected sheep's heart this week (yuck). AS you can see, I one WHOLE weeks no blog stuff liao~ Finally it's Saturday!

I've just remembered that, yesterday was YuLing's birthday!


Uwahhhh!!! Argh!!!!! How can I forget?!?!?!?!?!

YuLing, I'm sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! I am the worst possible friend in the whole wide world! Go and change your tag liao~ T-T From 101 marks to 10 marks.

Happy belated birthday! Despite me forgetting, I hope you had a great day.

Please don't hate me! T-T

Saturday, May 9, 2009

吐血的tag (tagged by Janet)


其实之前已被tag几次了,只是很懒惰去做... 哈哈

发现到我们这一届的部落格都没有传 tag 的。希望这个post能引发大家去参与这无聊的活动。=.=(但野蛮好玩的啦)



1.我的大名 : 范尤彩
2.我的生日 : 11月29日
3.誰傳給你的 : 姐姐
4.說出五個好朋友 : 思霓、雨驹、玉玲、彦莹、仿如、玉婷、晓君(从以上选5个)
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : 都OK啦,我不计较的... 有心就好
6.近期開心的是 : 和姐姐去戏院看“17 again” (好看!)
7.近期壓力大的是 : Library Assignment 要用到的书被人家借去! Shit, 快点还回来!要due料!
8.未來想做什麼: 牙医+面包师+作家, Ambitious 勒~
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : 有~
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : 当然要!
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : 古晋的朋友
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : 极度伤心,不知要怎么办
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 没有“帕托”过波...
14.聖誕節要做啥 : 看多多感人的Christmas Special Movie!
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : 家人和朋友
16.有沒有起床气 : 好像没有勒~
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 1个姐姐、1个妹妹、1个弟弟
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : 美梦成真 - 许如芸
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : UNDO (钢之炼金术师)
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : 蓝色
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : 不是上完才冲的哈?
22.愛不愛我 : *摇头*
23.喜歡男生還是女生 : 我很“straight”的, OK... =.=
24.最想大聲說什麼 : *沉默*
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : 敢啦!
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : 不然勒?!
27.誰很欠打 : 欠打的人
28.現在很迷什麼 : 看漫画、看动漫、看“Merlin” (介绍你们去看,蛮好看的!).... 不行不行! 要考书料! Focus! T-T
29.睡相很差 : 不知道哦,没有看过自己的睡相
30.現在的時間 : 下午12时51分
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : 有一点咯... 题目酱废...
32.體重多少 : *没有看到*
33.今天天氣 :
34.你懷孕了嗎 : OMG,你怎么会知道?!?! =.="
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : 啊...不知道... 没有想过
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : erm.... (我真的不知道.... T-T)
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色你選: 多一条蓝色! 耶!


1. 思霓
2. 玉玲
3. 仿如
4. 凯德
5. 川颖
7. 敬珑
8. 小嘉
9. 诗雅




03-【 8號(小嘉)的興趣是】:


有~ 1个哥哥


嗯... 不错啊~ 其实我不是很清楚啦...XD



苹果青! (耶,竟然记得!)

ei.... 好像不是...

5月8号(最近在别人的blog有看到,否则就不会回答了... 对不起小嘉!哈哈)







怪怪的 *哈哈-没有啦* 她人很好,喜欢想太多(和我一样)XD




1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : 姐姐
2.你們認識多久呢 : 我一出生就认识了=.=
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : 非常、非常重要
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : 姐妹
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : 自己
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : 很差劲,哈哈
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 : 11/10


*睡覺前第一件事 : 祷告
*起床前第一件事 : 压snooze
*你的偶像是 : 没有
*你喜歡的季節 : 秋季
*你打工過嗎 : 怎样才算是打工?
*打工次數 : 回答我上面的问题先...
*你想去的國家 : 欧洲国家
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : 强词夺理、自以为是
*你常哭嗎 : 不会
*你常笑嗎 : 会?
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : 不喜欢
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : 早上10点左右
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰):
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : 朋友
*機會和命運你會選擇 : 机会
*你很自戀嗎 : 当然不会~
*這問卷多不多 : 还敢问!!!!
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 : 把事情看开一点
*喜欢吃什么 :好吃的东西
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : 喜欢~ 但没有晓君那样夸张,哈哈
*現在幸福嗎 : 不知道
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : 第一部分那里提到的7个
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 :
*最常夢到什麼 : 尔... 忘了...
*男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : 看情况
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : 过得充实
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): 知道什么? *三八的样子*
*什么时候最讨厌我 : 不知道... 你念我的时候?
*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : 我应该会选择入世(儒家思想)...
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : Chocolate Mousse
*请问这个游戏可以停止了吗? : 早就可以了...
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : 可以啦
*谁是你的知己? :姐姐呱...
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : 差不多一样啦,哈哈

*電腦还是手機? : 电脑
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : 看情况
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : 都没意见
*What is your cellphone model? : LG ice-cream series
*Missing someone ? : mama、Eric、古晋的朋友
*重色轻友吗?: 不会

总于写完了! walao, 够变态的... 没有加自己的问题,因为已经酱长了... 希望被我点到的人会回答这个tag咯!

Friday, May 1, 2009


OK, I'm gonna start updating now~

On Easter Sunday (two weeks ago), we 一中生 had a BBQ feast to celebrate Easter and the Easter break.

Location: U Sun and I Sun's apartment.

Present Company: 恩俐、本区、明珠、郁珊、艾珊、毛裕实、势能、Janet、me - and Alvin (from Kuching High)。So it's actually 一中生+一位晋中生。haha...
*凯琳 holiday-ing in Adelaide.
Crowding aroung the BBQ pit.
Can you spot me? ^-^
Don't know why I'm looking at the camera. Akk...
Lining aluminium foil.
Here BBQ more healthy, haha...
Not using charcoal like in Malaysia.

Then, we heard a plane flying overhead. We all 三八 one, rush to see what's going on.

One of us, I forgot who, exclaimed "谁求婚?"
Then it turns out it's Telstra 打广告 la!

(Telstra is like Telecom in Australia)
The plane haven't write finish gok...
Getting started.
We have so much food!
Drinks. Bread. Heaps of lettuce. Mayonnaise.
And of course, the meats. ^-^

Penny and Alvin.

Before we came, Janet told me a 学姐 of ours is studying in Melbourne too. And I remember going, "谁是 Penny?". Someone I've never met, probably. When we got there, I recognized her immediately! 原来, it's 明珠, 第一届家政学会主席. ^-^ I never knew her English name was Penny! haha..... So happy, she remembered me.

And Alvin's from Kuching High, he's really nice and friendly. He's studying in RMIT now. JPA scholar ei~

Janet, my sister, and Emily.
They are old pals. =)

My first time talking to Emily. She's so nice and fun.

This is 本区, he graduated in 2007.
Same year as Janet and Emily.
So he's my 学长. ^-^

Our 'personal chef' for the day. We just wait around while he BBQ everything for us. hehe...... The way he sapu the butter on and the way he check the 熟-ness.... OMG, so pro!

A really nice guy. He's studying Culinary Arts! Argh, I envy him~ I used to consider that career path. Seeing him, I get that feeling to study Culinary Arts again....

U Sun (I Sun's sister) and Alvin.

Rapheal (hope I spelled this right!) and 势能.

Very, very rare picture of I Sun!
Who does not like taking pictures. ^-^
Right: Gourmet burger patties.
Left, upper: Chicken? (BBQ-sauce).
Left, lower: Chicken (Lemon grass?).
I forgot liao..... not quite sure.
The sausages are already being cooked.


Everyone chatting around.
"Action Queen" Emily. hehe...
本区 still "hard at work".

本区 wearing apron.
But we keep ooh-ing and aah-ing
and keep taking pictures
so in the end he paiseh and took it off. haha...

Don't they look nice?

Cooking the chicken now.
The gourmet patties are almost done.
Look at the sauce and juices pooling. Mmm~

These are super delicious!!
We kiap them in bread. Lovely!

Our chef taking a break.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

The BBQ pit is situated in the Activites area. We realized that all around us, a lot of people were exercising.

On our right: Tennis Court.

To our left: Swimming pool.

Opposite the BBQ pit: The gymnasium.

T-T Poeple are keeping fit but we're gaining weight!

Looking at the 2007 毕业特刊.

Looking at the 2008 毕业特刊.
Somehow, I Sun has a copy.
I want mine too!!!!

本区 cleaning the umm... grill (what's it called)?

I Sun helping him.
T-T So hard to take a shot of her.

Clean lei~

合照. Free-style~

After that, we went to watch a movie in the the tiny cinema U Sun had rented. (This apartment building has everything!) I Sun had rented two movies earlier.

Look at this place! 爽~
Emily taking pictures at the front.

合照 (missing some people though ^-^).
Look at Emily~
You can see how big and comfy the seat is.

Because we have to take the train home, Janet、本区 and I didn't stay to watch to movie and left for Melbourne Central. Aahh, how I wished I could've stayed! We were having such a great time~

I really enjoyed myself. This also proves that 一中 people know how to have a whooping great time!

Mid-semester Tests

Hello everyone!

@-@ A bit lazy to update my blog after the exams because I just want to lie down and do nothing.

OK, I have four subjects per semester. Let me tell you my results:

Biomolecules and Cells(worth 10% in 100%): 23/25
* 25 multiple choice questions. 35 minutes.
* Not bad right? Haha... Cause it's actually '生物', though some parts ARE deeper, and it's in English. T-T

Calculus 2(worth 10% out of 100%): 30/40
* 5 written questions. 45 minutes writing time.
* I didn't think that I would have to touch maths again after UEC... Worse, they didn't put me in Calculus I, but Calculus II - because I've done Advanced Mathematics in secondary school before!
* 晓君 told me that everything needs maths, so I'm training myself to like it. Hee-hee....

Chemistry for Biomedicine (5% out of 100%): 11/15
* 15 Multiple choice questions. 30 minutes.
* Done on internet, any time between Friday(Week 7) till Wednesday(Week 8). Only one try.
* Must finish and press "SUBMIT" in 30 minutes, or else you will get 0 marks.

* Most pek chek, this one. 5 percent nia!!! Who want to study seriously....
* The questions so hard.... 超出范围!! T-T
* Done on internet, so textbook and notes can be spreaded out in front of you (shhhh... ). ^-^

* I even 沦落 till go Google and Wikipedia the molecule. Haha.
* Unfair test. Many people did it with their friends in the library so 3 or 4 people were doing it together.

Some of my classmates in the course are so... so... hao lian! "Oh, I got full marks~"... "It was so easy right?"... "I only scored 24! That question was WRONG! I should have gotten 25!"... =.= Haih~ 是啦,你们就是很"kiang",好吗?

My confidence really low here, I always feel intimidated. It's like everyone around me are geniuses.

My breadth subject, Creative Writing - Ideas and Practice:
Don't have exams for this course (yay!).

I think I'm doing alright.....? What do you think? Leave comments! ^-^