Friday, May 1, 2009


OK, I'm gonna start updating now~

On Easter Sunday (two weeks ago), we 一中生 had a BBQ feast to celebrate Easter and the Easter break.

Location: U Sun and I Sun's apartment.

Present Company: 恩俐、本区、明珠、郁珊、艾珊、毛裕实、势能、Janet、me - and Alvin (from Kuching High)。So it's actually 一中生+一位晋中生。haha...
*凯琳 holiday-ing in Adelaide.
Crowding aroung the BBQ pit.
Can you spot me? ^-^
Don't know why I'm looking at the camera. Akk...
Lining aluminium foil.
Here BBQ more healthy, haha...
Not using charcoal like in Malaysia.

Then, we heard a plane flying overhead. We all 三八 one, rush to see what's going on.

One of us, I forgot who, exclaimed "谁求婚?"
Then it turns out it's Telstra 打广告 la!

(Telstra is like Telecom in Australia)
The plane haven't write finish gok...
Getting started.
We have so much food!
Drinks. Bread. Heaps of lettuce. Mayonnaise.
And of course, the meats. ^-^

Penny and Alvin.

Before we came, Janet told me a 学姐 of ours is studying in Melbourne too. And I remember going, "谁是 Penny?". Someone I've never met, probably. When we got there, I recognized her immediately! 原来, it's 明珠, 第一届家政学会主席. ^-^ I never knew her English name was Penny! haha..... So happy, she remembered me.

And Alvin's from Kuching High, he's really nice and friendly. He's studying in RMIT now. JPA scholar ei~

Janet, my sister, and Emily.
They are old pals. =)

My first time talking to Emily. She's so nice and fun.

This is 本区, he graduated in 2007.
Same year as Janet and Emily.
So he's my 学长. ^-^

Our 'personal chef' for the day. We just wait around while he BBQ everything for us. hehe...... The way he sapu the butter on and the way he check the 熟-ness.... OMG, so pro!

A really nice guy. He's studying Culinary Arts! Argh, I envy him~ I used to consider that career path. Seeing him, I get that feeling to study Culinary Arts again....

U Sun (I Sun's sister) and Alvin.

Rapheal (hope I spelled this right!) and 势能.

Very, very rare picture of I Sun!
Who does not like taking pictures. ^-^
Right: Gourmet burger patties.
Left, upper: Chicken? (BBQ-sauce).
Left, lower: Chicken (Lemon grass?).
I forgot liao..... not quite sure.
The sausages are already being cooked.


Everyone chatting around.
"Action Queen" Emily. hehe...
本区 still "hard at work".

本区 wearing apron.
But we keep ooh-ing and aah-ing
and keep taking pictures
so in the end he paiseh and took it off. haha...

Don't they look nice?

Cooking the chicken now.
The gourmet patties are almost done.
Look at the sauce and juices pooling. Mmm~

These are super delicious!!
We kiap them in bread. Lovely!

Our chef taking a break.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

The BBQ pit is situated in the Activites area. We realized that all around us, a lot of people were exercising.

On our right: Tennis Court.

To our left: Swimming pool.

Opposite the BBQ pit: The gymnasium.

T-T Poeple are keeping fit but we're gaining weight!

Looking at the 2007 毕业特刊.

Looking at the 2008 毕业特刊.
Somehow, I Sun has a copy.
I want mine too!!!!

本区 cleaning the umm... grill (what's it called)?

I Sun helping him.
T-T So hard to take a shot of her.

Clean lei~

合照. Free-style~

After that, we went to watch a movie in the the tiny cinema U Sun had rented. (This apartment building has everything!) I Sun had rented two movies earlier.

Look at this place! 爽~
Emily taking pictures at the front.

合照 (missing some people though ^-^).
Look at Emily~
You can see how big and comfy the seat is.

Because we have to take the train home, Janet、本区 and I didn't stay to watch to movie and left for Melbourne Central. Aahh, how I wished I could've stayed! We were having such a great time~

I really enjoyed myself. This also proves that 一中 people know how to have a whooping great time!


Qichee said...

u also song hor! a wonderful life!

Siew Phin said...

the food looks so nice,i'm hungry now!Nice to have a gathering in a different country!

Nee nEe said...

i'm jealous la>.<
when i'm free,i'll sure to go find u~

Amy said...

to qichee: not as song as u ler haha

to siew phin: ^-^ yup nice to talk with msia people, more in sync hehe

to nee: yaya~ i made sze nee jealous! haha come lor

thekaide said... nice............
i wan eat la!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Jesus..i also want bbq lah!cafeteria food sucks here..ugh.

Amy said...

to kaide: who tell u la, always post so many good food on your blog, wahaha

to ponai: ponai!! T-T long time no talk to u liao~ hope u are well!