Sunday, April 19, 2009
OMG! 10 days no post anything liao! Holiday time so lazy post stuff on my blog. Hehe...
Just a quick note to say I won't be posting anything till next Wednesday (29/4) because I'm going to have my Calculus and Chemistry Mid Term Examination. O_o aih....
I had the Easter Break -- a whole week! -- to study for it. But, haih~ you know me la, so 堕落 one. Everyday sleep, eat, relax, read... Now 开学了, no more excuse, need to study liao~ T-T
I had a nice Easter. Went to a BBQ function, and made some puffs during the holidays too! ^-^ I'll post it up after my exams. Till then, don't bother to check back too much~ XD
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Part III - Easter Egg Count
I think it's really beautiful, don't you?
Actually it's been there for almost a month liao.
I was just too lazy to bring my camera until today.
Ferrero Rocher bo! Uu-la-la~
As you all know (from my previous posts), Sally, my Calculus tutor chia me an Easter egg. ^-^
Then, at 11am today, Union House was giving away free Easter Eggs for Union members. Since I'm a member, and I don't have prac. today, I had some free time to go grab some.
The staff opened boxes and packets of
Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies,
and dumped them in this basket.
Everyone grabbing for their lives.
As you can see, the Bunnies are all gone.
Actually, I was quite far back
from the front of the line...
BUT, I am Malaysian!
Of course 插队技术 better than them la!
Haha, so I managed to snag an Easter Bunny lo~
And, in the afternoon, Charlie - my Creative Writing tutor, chia us Easter Eggs as well. At the end of class, there were still some left in the packet. He said he didn't want to see any left. So I took another two. Hehe...
Some of us (from the Creative Writing class) went for hot chocolate. I tagged along and had my first hot chocolate in Austrlia. Oh my god, it was so sweet. Too sweet, even for me lei~
When I got to Melbourne Central, I fount that..... I dropped my Easter Bunny! SIEN!! Thank God I didn't drop any of my Easter Eggs. T-T
So... my net gain (净得) Easter Goodies:
The middle five and the Cadbury Caramello
are the ones I raided from Union House.
The pink one (outer circle) is from Sally.
The other five are from Charlie.
This is my first time celebrating Easter with actual chocolate Easter Eggs. ^-^
Happy Easter!
Part II - Stalking
Our tutor, Charlie told us to pair up. We were let out of the building and had to be back in 30 minutes.
We had to find two people having a conversation in campus. Then, we have to casually get near them and listen in on the conversation. One of us will record the conversation only while the other one writes about their body language and appearance only.
Of course, all these have to be done without them knowing!! If we get found out, cham liao lo! Then 'tiok sut' by the people we spy on, haha...
We have to 轮流 read out our writings when we get back. Both the conversation and the description - to give a complete picture of the actual conversation 情况.
I suggested going to South Lawn to my partner, Jess. We went there and jackpot! Many people were sprawled across the lawn. We picked our target: a guy and a girl sitting on the grass in the sun, talking.
I really felt like a stalker (haha) when we sat down next to them, pretending to be writing in our notepads, when we're actually spying on them!
I 负责 the 'record conversation' part.
Unfortunately, the 'specimens' we picked were sharing a boring conversation. =.= They talked about politics and maths. OMG! So many terminology! The words just flew over my head. Haha...
They keep lasping into silence, it's like they don't have many topics to chat about. I kept waiting for them to start talking again, with my pencil poised ready. But when they actually start talking, I'm always caught off guard! XD
When we got back to the seminar room, Charlie had distributed about 3 chocolate Easter eggs on each of our seats. Aww~ so sweet! Haha...
I really love my Creative Writing classes. They're so much fun!
Part I - Morning
We have practicals once in two weeks. I don't have prac today, so 照道理 I can sleep in late, since my classes don't start till 2pm. Haha....
But I have some problems with Calculus and my tutor's consultation hour today is 9am~10am, so bo bian lo, need to get up early.
I like my tutor, Sally. She's really nice ^-^.
When I got there, two other girls were already there asking for help with their math, so I sat down and waited. There's a shelf with a some toys and books and a sign that read "While U Wait". Ok lo, I played the Miller's Maze, which is a lot of fun. It's my first time playing this game. Here's what it looks like:
There's only two holes leading to the outside of the cube. You insert a steel ball inside, and jiggle it around to make it come out from the other hole. It's quite hard. Very kek tiok because I tried so many paths but all failed! Haha....
I also read a tiny book called 'Lateral Thinking'. It's a riddle book. The questions were fun ^-^. Here are some very kek tiok ones. When I read the answers, I was like 'Haiyo! Why didn't I think of it?!?!' Want to hit myself, haha...
Q: I never met my uncle who lived in Alaska. But I recognized him at once when I saw him at the airport. Why?
A: He's my father's identical twin.[显咯~]
Q: John has three daughters who are all born on 16 January, 1962. But they are not triplets. Why?
A: They are three from quad (quadruplets - 四胞胎). [=.=" OMG!]
Q: How many times can 3 be subtracted from 39?
A: Once. After that, you're subtracting from 36, and so on.
Q: The Sheriff came to town on Friday, stayed for three nights, and left on Sunday. Explain.
A: Friday is the name of his horse. [炸到!酱的事情也有!]
Q: I am in a stationary balloon along the coastline of Irealnd. I throw out a bottle full of water and an empty bottle. Which one will hit the ground first?
A: None. Both will drop into the sea. [哈哈,我被这题骗掉!]
Q: A prisoner survived in a no-water cell for ten weeks. There is a deep well in the next room, on the other side of a 20cm-thick steel door. How is this so?
A: The door wasn't locked. [kek 到!]
My turn came and after I asked my questions, my tutor chia me an easter egg. Wah~ I so suprised lei~ haha
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
There are 12 weeks in each semester. 12 weeks only, such a short time right~
Anyway, there is a week-long break between six weeks. Next week is holiday time! It's called Easter break, since it's Easter time.
This Friday is Good Friday - a public holiday. That means Thursday is the last day of school! Woo-hoo! Early start to holidays!
Today I had my "Biomolecules and Cells" mid-term exam during Biology Tutorial. We did the test in the Biology Computer Lab. 30 minutes. 25 multiple-choice questions. I scored 23/25. Don't know want happy or kek tiok... ^-^
I also had my Chemistry Practical today - which was terrible, by the way. I'm really bad at pracs, and today was a busy session - a tightly-packed schedule. We did titration [滴定] and buffer solutions [缓冲溶液]. Hardly had time to finish it.
The most important thing is, my 'burdens' for this week are finally over! Now all I have to do is attend classes on Wednesday and Thursday and I'm free! I practically floated to Melbourne Central today, haha...
Pity for those who have their Exam or Practical on Thursday. They'll have to study till that day or be cooped up in school that day when others go have fun. Practicals last 3 hours ler!
To celebrate my... umm... freedom??? I treated myself vanilla ice-cream with two crumbled oats biscuits after dinner. Yum!
This may look a bit ugly, but it's really good!
This is 'Bulla' ice-cream, it tastes better than Wall's or King's or Nestle ice-cream.
It's really creamy~ And it's 98% fat free~
Don't know real or not though, haha... says so on the lid.
Here's to the holidays!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Daylight Saving Time
I don't know why and how it works...... we just adjust our time to one hour earlier. Yesterday night, Janet and I were turning all the clocks in our house back one hour. ^-^
I think it's because in autumn and winter, the days become longer (南半球 - 夏季:昼短夜长;冬季:昼长夜短)?So we have to be an hour early to catch the daylight and make the most of the day? I don't know, haha....
Anyway, now Melbourne time is 2 hours earlier than Malaysia time, not 3 hours. The good thing is, we get an extra hour sleep! Like today, we woke up at 9am (DST), but in real time it's actually it's 10am. An extra hour's sleep! Woo! Haha... 蛮爽的啦~ althought quite a 废 reason...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
下拜二是我在墨尔本大学的第一次考试,好紧张。“Biomelecules and Cells” Mid-Term Exam。只是 25 题选择题,在 Tutorial 时在网上回答,直接 submit。大家的题目是从题库抽来的,所以每个人的 25 题都不同。
我一直以来都没有念课本准备 Lecture 的,所以最近有点忙复习。其实大部分是在中学念过的,只是要用英文,程度稍微稍微加深。搞得自己很累,每天都念那死不厚的课本。这是我应得的,谁叫我一开始不念。哈哈...
刚才,我做 Mid-Term Practice Question。27 题里对 25 题,不错嘛!而是复习 Chapter One 罢了就做的。在一中盖的底还不错,要感谢老师啦~ 但现在反而不太想念书去。=.=
拜二的“Biomolecules and Cells” Tutorial,有个同学问我考试学书了吗。我回答:“Haven't.” 因为当时真的还没开始复习。她说她也是。Tutorial 时,我们做关于 Animal Phyla 的题目。不可参考资料,但可以和同组的人讨论。
我靠着记忆和印象来回答,这位同学就很厉害啰,很清楚了解要点,每一题给的意见都头头是道。我就称赞她:“Wow! You're good at this!” 她很高兴,说:“I hate this part. So...” 所以,意思是说,她有学这几个单元啦?还说还没开始复习。唉哟,全部都“暗暗来”的。显...
作天上网看大家的部落格,发现原来很多人最近开 blog。读了大家的 post,有很忧伤的感觉。因为我在那么远的地方,似乎无法和古晋那里的朋友共享许多事。思霓在 Swinburne 的生活、玉玲过得怎样、川颖的生日会、阿广家里的“凤凰楼”关了... ... 很多很多的事,我都没法直接体会,只能从别人的部落格、感言提取... ...
前几天,我尝试写 poetry。我拿 Creative Writing 为 breadth subject。在 Tutorial 里,每星期有几个人写篇作品,寄给老师,老师寄给所有人,大家印出来,在家里念,Tutorial 时作者再念一遍给同学听的,同学给意见。恐怖~
我们现在学着 poetry,这个星期轮到我提供材料。写出来的东西那么差,我也敢寄给我的 tutor。真的很无奈。有空我会放上来,让各位笑。
明天就要念给他们听我的 poem 了。唉,不知他们现在念着,在想什么... ... 一定是:“This Amy's a bad writer.” T-T
哈哈,重点是,在这里,堕落可是不行的。大家都很勤奋,Lecture 后一定有复习。有个从坎贝拉来的同学,她在 college 没有念生物。拜日时,为了赶上进度,念课本念到早上 1.15 am 的勒!Walao ei, 吓死人!
我呢,哪里有学书的?有学就好啰!每天回到家就发呆、看书或看电视。现在有线了,当然是每天上网看动漫(anime)和漫画。然后,可以 update 部落格,上 MSN, 看大家的部落格等... ... 唉,堕落的人就是“酱 ”~
最近有个新的动漫好看,叫 “Skip Beat!”。很好看耶! 我也在 onemanga 开始看“Prince of Tennis”的漫画。没想到“网球王子”那么好看,很容易上瘾~
懒了懒了... ...
下星期二,我就要考 Biomolecules and Cells 的 Mid-Term Exam。有点紧张,因为已经好久没考试了,感觉上已忘了要怎样准备考试。
这里只要求 Lecture 前要念它设好要念的课本范围。例:Lecture 9 前念好P.567-580。当然,你不要念也可以,只要你跟得上 Lecture 就是了。而且,那个课本,就是厚到~ 你连打开都懒得啊!总之,很没毅力去年课本就是了。
功课极少,只有 Calculus Tutorial 有练习做,但不用交。整个学期只须交三次 Assignment 习题。根本就是轻松到~ 引诱你堕落罢了!
奇怪的是,我的 course 的同学都很勤劳,是积极到最顶点那种!很“显”他们一下。
其实是我自己堕落呱... ... 还拿别人当借口。哈哈