Thursday, April 9, 2009

Part III - Easter Egg Count

In Malaysia, people don't do much on Easter, right? And we Christians just attend mass in church, with the occasional painted boiled-eggs. That's it.

Easter (and Christmas!) is a big event here. Even non-Christians celebrate it - by eating chocolate eggs and hot-cross buns! There's also a HUGE Easter Egg hanging from above in Melbourne Central.

I think it's really beautiful, don't you?
Actually it's been there for almost a month liao.
I was just too lazy to bring my camera until today.

Ferrero Rocher bo! Uu-la-la~

As you all know (from my previous posts), Sally, my Calculus tutor chia me an Easter egg. ^-^

Then, at 11am today, Union House was giving away free Easter Eggs for Union members. Since I'm a member, and I don't have prac. today, I had some free time to go grab some.

The staff opened boxes and packets of
Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies,
and dumped them in this basket.

Everyone grabbing for their lives.
As you can see, the Bunnies are all gone.
Actually, I was quite far back
from the front of the line...

BUT, I am Malaysian!
Of course 插队技术 better than them la!
Haha, so I managed to snag an Easter Bunny lo~

And, in the afternoon, Charlie - my Creative Writing tutor, chia us Easter Eggs as well. At the end of class, there were still some left in the packet. He said he didn't want to see any left. So I took another two. Hehe...

Some of us (from the Creative Writing class) went for hot chocolate. I tagged along and had my first hot chocolate in Austrlia. Oh my god, it was so sweet. Too sweet, even for me lei~

When I got to Melbourne Central, I fount that..... I dropped my Easter Bunny! SIEN!! Thank God I didn't drop any of my Easter Eggs. T-T

So... my net gain (净得) Easter Goodies:

The middle five and the Cadbury Caramello
are the ones I raided from Union House.
The pink one (outer circle) is from Sally.
The other five are from Charlie.

This is my first time celebrating Easter with actual chocolate Easter Eggs. ^-^

Happy Easter!

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