Monday, March 9, 2009

Labor Day

Hi everyone.

It's Labor Day in Australia today, and it's a public holiday. BUT! But lar, Melbourne University does not acknowledge it as a holiday, so I still have classes today. Start at 8 am (Monday's first class is the earliest in the whole week) gok!!

Wu~ wu~ wu~ (In case you are confused, this is crying. The "kou zi bian" and "wu" from "wu ya (crow)". Since this library's computer does not have Chinese...... =.=" Paiseh everyone.)

Turns out that when Melbourne University existed there was no Labor Day. The workers went on strike to get a holiday, and they did, but Melbourne University and Monash University still do not acknowledge it, so both universities have classes today. Sien...

Don't know the above story is true or not. Maybe my lecturer kacau us...

I got classes soon, so gotta dash! Everyone take care! ^-^

Aussie time: 1.40pm

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