Monday, March 16, 2009

=> XD ^-^ =)

This week is my 5th week in Australia, 3rd week of school and... most importantly: the mid-semester school holidays in Malaysia.

My mum, Eric, Donna and my aunt landed here last Saturday at midnight. But it was 1.06pm by the time they came out of CUSTOMS, so... I should say they came on Sunday.... right??

Argh! Confused now.... X_X

Anyway~ I'm so happy they're finally here!! There's so many things to fill them in on. Like what I saw, heard, little thoughts I had during the four weeks I'm here. And comparing Malaysia's and Australia's lifstyles. It's just so GREAT they're here. ^-^

It's also very amusing to see their 生理钟 get mixed up! Eric and Donna can't seem to get up in the mornings! *lol* They wake up around 12.30 pm (MY time: 9.30am) and get hungry at awkward times - like me when I first came here. Haha...

I played with kawaii Eric and catched up chatting with Donna during the weekend. We all went shopping together. Janet and I broguht Eric to feed to the ducks at the huge pond near our house.

My mum and aunt... they don't seem affected by the time difference. It's probably the "Super-Mum Gene" they have. They still wake up at impossibly early hours and get on with life ordinarily.

Speaking of my mum, it's sooo good to eat the amazingly delicious meals she cooks! Bliss~ XD

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