Monday, November 30, 2009
震天动地的消息 Earth Shattering News
We interrupt your lives to announce this HUGE piece of news!
It's exciting information! Unexpected and shocking!
It's specially posted bilingually to ensure the news is received widely.
Are you ready for this?!?
I've opened a facebook account!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Twillight Saga: New Moon
今晚先休息,待明天开始学Management吧! 现在来挤出一个短短的post。
This post is for my New Moon fanatic friends. Has anyone seen it yet?
I remember when the Twillight movie came out. My fellow Kuchian female classmates were saying how good-looking Robert Pattinson is. "OMG,他很gentleman啊!"、"帅死~"、"去看,去看!你一定会迷上他的。"、"Oh, Edward..."。=.=
I haven't seen the first movie yet - I didn't even finish reading the first book properly - and I'm proud to say I'm one of those girls that haven't fallen under Robert Pattinson's spell yet. XD
My sister read all the twillight books from her friend and we've bought the 1st and 4th book so far. I read snippets from the final book eventhough I haven't read the second and third. I vaguely know how the story goes, hehe. So, I think watching New Moon should be okay. I won't be totally clueless.
I might watch New Moon. I might.... Then become a raving fan of Robert Pattinson. (O_o Oh, God forbid, please no.)
Anyway, here's the official trailer for New Moon:
Now, here's an exclusive banned trailer of New Moon! A must-watch! Enjoy!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Quick Post
1. Exams are here!
考掉Genetics (蛮难的...) 和Physics (吃草,吃饱饱) 了!
接下来是Management,然后我就自由了!! Wooh~ 期待...
2. Statistics
超pek-chek这科,最显得就是统计学。别去想高中我们学得统计学---和大学的天差地远。上学期的Calculus,买了它的课本(secondhand: $80+),结果连碰一次都没有。这学期,大家都不打算买数学课本。谁知?? 哈哈。
3. 我的部落格发霉了
有点感动,今天回来看,竟然还蛮多人留言的^-^。我还以为自己的部落格早死了。谢谢啦,大家~ 考试完后必定回复你们的留言、念大家的部落格(好久没念大家的部落格了:要怪莫怪我,怪考试! =.=)。
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Clockwise and Anticlockwise?
Go to one of these links, anyone one is fine (it's the same).,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html
You'll see a lady rotating clockwise/anticlockwise. Apparently she can turn in both directions, it depends on which side of the brain you are using at different moments.
If she's turning in the clockwise direction, you're using your right brain; if she's turning in the anti-clockwise direction, you're using the left brain. Some people can see her turning both ways, but some people can only see her turning one way.
At first, I could only see her rotating clockwise. I read some of the information beside her... when I looked back, she was rotating the other way. O_o Imagine that!
Now whenever I look at her, she turns clockwise then anti-clockwise, then clockwise.... back and forth, back and forth. I can't control when she changes though, she just does. It's really interesting.
I tried controlling her to change (apparently Max can...... sien..... zzzzz...... haha). I thought about logical, analytical stuff like "What made her do that?"/ "How does our brain work?"/ read the passages --- then talked to my sister/watched some youtube stuff to switch on my other side. It sort of works, haha. She really switches.
Try it out yourself! Tell me how you went and your findings!
P/S: Gotta go study soon, want exams le. Will start in 2 hours - no, tonight - no, tomorrow. Argh! ... Still duo luo here playing with mind games, hehe. Blame Max.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
最近很煩惱明年要選的科目。2nd year 的兩個學期各只有三個科目:1個Core Subject、1個Selective Subject、1個Breadth Subject。
Core Subject是學校選的必修科目,所以不必擔心這一個;Breadth Subject是自己選和course無關的科目,如:French、Japanese、Music、Wine Tasting、Psychology、Finance、Accounting等... 很多就是了。想了好久。好不容易的,發現到蠻喜歡Management的,決定修到3rd year。
現在來了這個煩死人的Selective Subjects!! 必須從12個selectives選2個,1個學期1科。我們選的selectives牽連了3rd year major,因為是major的pre-requisites。
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Bioengineering Systems
- Biotechnology
- Cell & Developmental Biology
- Defence & Disease
- Genetics
- Human Structure and Function
- Microbiology, Infection & Immunology
- Neuroscience
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
我要拿Genetics,可是Genetics有兩個科目,要占兩個學期。該拿嗎? 還是要拿兩個只有一個學期的科目,可以學較多東西? 後來又聽同學說,念Neuroscience比較好,因為是甚麼new frontier,念醫科或牙科時會占較大的優勢......可我對神經學沒很大的興趣欸(真的有優勢嗎???)......
Call me "Emily"
我:“Hi, a lemon crush please.”
女店員:“A lemon crush? Sure. What size?”
我:“Umm... medium please.”
女店員:“Sure. Can I have your name?”
女店員(鍵入資料,看上來,微笑):“Won't be long now, Emily.”
Emily????? 哈哈。是我發音不准、聲量太小? 不然就是她聽覺有問題,哈哈。
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pot charge sure to stick
An officer saw a 29-year-old Cesar Lopez peering inside his baseball cap in Lebanon, 120km northwest of Philadephia.
When he looked up, the officer noticed a small bag of marijuana stuck to his forehead.
The cop peeled the bag off Lopez’s head and arrested him.
這周已是Week 10了,再多兩個星期,我在大學的第一年就結束了! 然後就要考試了,怕怕...... 昨天考完物理小考,接下來的兩個星期沒甚麼考試或功課要交,就趁此機會掃一掃蜘蛛網。=)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wise Words
金玉良言! 变我的personal motto就惨了,哈哈。
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Worst Day of my Life
OK,first crisis averted.
因为下午有考试,我没有好好准备实验的pre-reading。结果做完实验时,考选择题, 我不太会。OMG OMG,前所未有。显。
Second crisis: Stumble.
25题选择题,回答完了,按'Submit'。Score:超级,超级烂。很很很很失望。如果明天有谁敢问我的mid-semester test考得怎么样,我会把他给杀掉。开始sien了。
Third crisis: Fall slat on face.
唉...... 没有想像中的好。不甘心......
回到家,还有一个statistics online quiz 和Biology Independent Learning Task(ILT) 要做。烦死......
第一题,按错键钮,荧幕lag掉,所以点击backward按钮。在进考试的link,它说: Assessment has been submitted. Cannot be attempted again.
@*$%#&#!! What the hell! 零分!! 明天要去administration office处理, shit。不给我再考怎么办?!?!?!?! 总平均的两份勒!
10题选择题。Submit score: 7/10。Shit。也是前所未有。第一次拿到那么差的分数。
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
求救讯号 >.<
有谁在12月3日可以收留我吗? 我和姐姐那天从墨尔本飞来吉隆坡,要过个夜,因为隔天要在KL做medical check-up。然后就飞回古晋了。
如果能找到住宿,妈妈说回古晋的机票可以定晚一点,可以留在kl多几天,和朋友enjoy enjoy~ 如果没有也没关系啦,住酒店罢了嘛,12月4日回咯~
Friday, August 21, 2009
这个星期好繁忙,累死了。2个实验课(2 x 三小时!!!)、1个 1000-word assignment、1个Quiz、1个物理考试。烦~
“About a week ago, the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia has a --- let's say one of their highest pieces of purpose of statement is: They want three Top 50 universities to be in Malaysia. Top 50 in the world. Three Top 50 unversities in Malaysia, 10 years from now. ”
不是一间,而是三间? 十年以内????
哈.................................... =o=
(有没有搞错哦..... 我下载好这堂课的lecture recording了。有空时,我会割出这段话放上来,让大家听听。哈哈。)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Mikan (Japanese for Mandarin Orange)
I was finishing lunch out in the open (in campus) just now. I took out a mandarin orange and started to peel it.
Some people can peel them so nicely, but I'm the type that's TERRIBLE at peeling these things. Especially during CNY(when there's so many mandarins to eat), you can tell the worst "peeler" is me in my family.The skin comes off in pieces instead of sticking together to make a "flowerish" shape, and juice always spurts everywhere.
In the middle of popping three pieces into my mouth, a girl came up to me and said she was doing a survey. While she was talking, I was nodding, "mmm-hmm"-ing, and spitting the pits into my palm and throwing them into my container at the same time.
My god, so many pits in this mandarin! There's 4 to 5 in every piece I eat..... I keep spitting and throwing them ALL THE WHILE she was talking about the survey. =.=
It doesn't end there. She was out of survey sheets so she went back to her stall to get some. My hands were sticky with the juice so I took out my water bottle. When she came back, I was still washing my hands with my drinking water, pouring it into the bushes behind me. =.= Argh~
So, there you have it. =.=
Couldn't help it. I felt it was so comical that I had to find a computer and write it down. ^-^
p/s: Still in uni right now - the computers don't have Chinese. So I can't type "gan('kam')" in Chinese and can only say pieces of orange instead of "ban(the 'liang ci')". So ma-huan~
Thursday, August 13, 2009
这些pastry case好像叫
Bluberry Puffs 出炉了!
Testing, testing~
我知道"tart"叫塔,像芝士塔(cheese tart)、蛋塔(egg tart);"pie"叫派:苹果派(apple pie)、蓝莓派(blueberry pie)。
"Puff"叫什么勒?帕福? =o=
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The First Year Experience Questionnaire
打开来看,原来是问卷…… "The First Year Experience Questionnaire"。一本A4-size的booklet,回答后放进已准备好的reply paid envelope就可以寄回去了。总共6面问题,哇塞~
"The identity number on this questionnaire enables us to send a reminder notice to students who do not respond to the initial dispatch of the questionnaire."
哈咪?? 没有寄回去还要人来烦我……算了算了,做啦。
一大堆问题:Accomodation、Income、Study Habits、进度怎样、跟得上吗、教授解释得清楚吗…… 很多就是了,我再多说你也不会念的啦,最多用眼睛扫描罢了,哈哈。
Consider a typical 7-day week during Semester One. About how many hours did you spend on:
Course contact (e.g. lectures/practical classes)---21 hours/wk
Private Study--------------------------------------------3 hours/wk
Paid work------------------------------------------------0 hours/wk
Sporting activities/exercise-------------------------------0 hours/wk
Using the internet for study/research-------------------0.75 hours/wk
Using the internet for recreation-------------------------20 hours/wk
Socialising with family/friends/partner--------------------5 hours/wk
Community engagement activities as part of your course--0 hours/wk
可见我多么的凄惨。 =.=
课堂间:在图书馆上网,念大家的部落格、帮姐姐玩Restaurant City,偶尔念书、整理笔记;
回到家:surf net、update blog、准备隔天的东西;
念书? 等到考试期间才拼咯。
上网做功课? 上tutorial前拼题目。去wikipedia巡。
Friday, August 7, 2009
可爱的 Eric
好乖噢,太孝顺了~ 果然是Eric,哈哈。
Fast Replay
OK, here's a fast replay for the long, loooong duration that I didn't post anything in my blog:
... the Sunday before uni started:
Went out on an outing to Melbourne Zoo: I Sun、U Sun、Alvin、my sister、me and the Guest of Honour: Kiat. Had a great time: ate a Japanese lunch -- visited zoo -- then had dinner together at Sophia's. Pictures... a bit lazy to upload, still in my camera gok. =.= I'm pretty sure I Sun's and Kiat's blog will have posted them anyway.
... 开学:
Semester 2 commences! My subjects for this semester:
-Genes and Environment
This is 生物 lo~ Studying DNA and stuff. ^-^ No need explain too much la~
-Physics 2
There's Physics 1: Fundamentals and Physics 2: Life Sciences and Environment. They put me in Physics 2. Sheesh. Thought I had escaped physics for good.
-Experimental Design and Data Analysis
Studying how to design experiments, collect data, analyse data, probability, statistics.... that kind of thing.
- Managing People & Organisations
I was struggling to choose something from mangament/finance/accounting/economics/business.
I feel that I need to learn something useful for society in the future, other than my 理科 stuff.
... hate the weather here, especially the wind. So cold. Brrr~
... bought blueberries the other day:
And made blueberry puffs! Cooked the filling myself, but the pastry was ready-made de la, haha, store bought one. Really yummy. Will post pictures when I feel like it. =.= Paiseh, I so lazy right.....
... still hate the weather.
... Genes & Environment Practical two days ago:
You know, we did the bacteria culture on the agar, like in 一中. Wahaha~ And looked at bacteria under the microscope, see if they're Gram(+) or Gram(-).... they didn't let us do the 革兰氏染法 ourselves though. Pff...
... Dad came three days ago:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Back to Melbourne

Getting lazier and lazier to blog stuff these days... I'm gonna use rojak language for this post, so bear with me~
Today's my 5th day back in Melbourne, and already I'm very pek chek at the cold --- back to wearing socks, jackets, etc. etc. all day AT HOME and hot baths, lack of lovely food --- I miss Mum's cooking T-T, and good entertainment --- TV here ar, haih~
我很不舍得古晋..... 我的家人、 朋友、哥罗面、弹钢琴、 Astro..... 连暑热都想念=.=。
On the plus side, internet connection here is much, much faster than in Kuching. I have a whole new semester to look forward to... I'm going to study better this semester!
I have a whole week free before uni starts ^-^. My sister and I had planned to visit the Melbourne Zoo、Melbourne Aquarium, trawl around City Centre, go window shooping etc. --- but because H1N1 still very serious here, a lot of plans had to be cancelled. AND her semester starts this week, so I'm very much bored at home. =.= So pitiful...
昨天陪姐姐去city:她上课;我在自己的campus荡,哈哈。去图书馆借多多DVD回家一起看。查时间表 --- 学校的automatic allocating system排得蛮惨的,所以必须到student centre调整。买物理课本。也去了艾珊的apartment呆,哈哈。很废的一天。
Friday, July 10, 2009
Results Released Today (O_o)


Chemistry for Biomedicine------------085--H1
Calculus 2----------------------------088--H1
Biomolecules and Cells----------------089--H1
H1-----80-100---First Class Honours
H2A---75-79-----Second Class Honours Division A
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
今天终于考完最后一科了:Chemistry for Biomedicine。两个字:超难 =.=''。选择题还好,问答题很“粗”。走出考场的大门,不知道要开心还是伤心才好。唉,算了,得过且过。
耶! 明天就要回古晋了! 不知大家过得怎么样了。好期待! \(^-^)/
Top Ten Things I Miss about Kuching:
10. Kolomee
09.My pikachu doll
07.My baking utensils
05.Astro (TV programmes here very limited)
04.My Naza (long time no drive liao.... everyday use train, sien)
03.Mama's cooking
02.My friends
01. Eric and Mama
啊~~好想念古晋的暑热,可呆在冷气房里! 不用时时刻刻穿外套、袜子、开heater! 古晋有车可以驾! 可以弹钢琴、看Astro、烘饼干...... Woo~
澳洲这里猪流感很严重啊! 必须逃到古晋,嘿嘿~
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
进考场前,要“Put your bags in the containers provided.” 我还以为有什么类似lockers的东西让我们放,原来是真的是那种containers! 没有带相机,没办法让你看到它的样子。我尽量形容吧。是仓库那里load、unload货物,铁制,长方体的那种container。My god~
有两个,在喷水池和后门之间。里面有架子,但不是一人一格。=.='' 像书架一样,大家的bag一起放。考生们就排队进去,哪里有好放就放。很夸张,每个架子都被我们的bag塞满了。只能说,够“老爷”的...
Exam Duration:3 hours
Exam Paper: 50 Multiple-Choice, 40 Fill in the Blanks, 8 Essay Questions
时间真的很不够,我还以为可以leng leng 做完后检查答案,谁知....... 就是那些死Essay questions。呜~~
1 hour --> Multiple-Choice+Fill in the blanks
1 hour --> Essay Q
1 hour --> 做之前留空、不确定的题目+查答案
1 hour --> Multiple-Choice (14题左右不确定)、Fill in the blanks (5题左右空着)
1 hour 25 minutes --> Essay 还剩两题!!!
10 minutes -->飙过选择题、填充(不确定的)+ 快速扫描之前答案、有没有涂错O卡等
23 minutes -->疯狂写完 esaay questions 的答案
2 minutes --> 大概大概查答案
=.= 好像很惨酱... 不过好在有做完。
考完后,我和姐姐去还bill,然后搭火车去campus交我的Creative Writing assignment。痛快! 解决掉两科了!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Royal Exhibition Building
就是REB Nicholson的门口。
Australia也有Tourism Malaysia?!?!?!
回到家时,我打开学校提供的考场地图和指示。才发现,我们搞错门口了!!! 什么鬼东西!

REB Layout 图。
Nicholson 是浅蓝色的部分。

REB Location Map。
原来我们搭 tram 一下到,看的门口就是REBNicholson了!
好料,我要去复习了!今天早上念完课本了,现在要念 Lecture Notes。
祝我好运! ^-^
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Swot Vac
时间过得好快... Week12 料罗~ @_@
没想到一个学期就这么过去了。我还没习惯自己是个大学生的念头呢! 其实一个学期是很短的时间罢了啦,只有12个星期在上课耶!
Week 1 to 6 ---> Easter break (1 week) ---> Week 7 to 12 ---> Swot Vac(1 week) ---> Exam Period (3 weeks)
昨天是最后一天上课,很多人(尤其是那些a-mo)都很开心。下个星期就是 Swot Vac 了...
我起初也搞不懂 Swot Vac 是什么鬼来的,原来是复习周。 =.= 我想应该是"Swot Vacation"的简称呱... 因为"Swot" 是K书的意思嘛... Haiyo,做么不会叫 Revision Week 就是料,还叫到酱好听,什么 vacation 罗 ...
每个人有四科,所以在 Exam Period 的那三个星期里有其中四天有考试。我的 Breadth subject 是 Creative Writing,只需交 assignments,不用考试的(耶~),所以我只考三科!
Swot Vac: 埋在书堆里... T-T
Exam Week 1: (Tue) Biomolecules & Cells, (Fri) Calculus 2
Exam Week 2: 没有考试 ^-^ (可以pia化学 - 化学超难!)
Exam Week 3: (Tue) Chemistry for Biomedicine
Science students 比较soi,他们Exam Week 1就连续三天考三科(wakao~)。好可怜,Swot Vac 就要pia完三个科目...
我的化学(最后一科)在6月23号考,是雨驹的生日,要记得打给她~ 而且当天晚上就要搭12点的飞机回古晋了!
Woo~ 好期待! 回去看 Eric 、吃妈妈的菜肴、找玉玲和思霓,可以看Astro、弹钢琴~
唉,要开始念书了,显... 加油加油!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Stupid, stupid Amy!
I've just remembered that, yesterday was YuLing's birthday!
Uwahhhh!!! Argh!!!!! How can I forget?!?!?!?!?!
YuLing, I'm sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! I am the worst possible friend in the whole wide world! Go and change your tag liao~ T-T From 101 marks to 10 marks.
Happy belated birthday! Despite me forgetting, I hope you had a great day.
Please don't hate me! T-T
Saturday, May 9, 2009
吐血的tag (tagged by Janet)
其实之前已被tag几次了,只是很懒惰去做... 哈哈
发现到我们这一届的部落格都没有传 tag 的。希望这个post能引发大家去参与这无聊的活动。=.=(但野蛮好玩的啦)
1.我的大名 : 范尤彩
2.我的生日 : 11月29日
3.誰傳給你的 : 姐姐
4.說出五個好朋友 : 思霓、雨驹、玉玲、彦莹、仿如、玉婷、晓君(从以上选5个)
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : 都OK啦,我不计较的... 有心就好
6.近期開心的是 : 和姐姐去戏院看“17 again” (好看!)
7.近期壓力大的是 : Library Assignment 要用到的书被人家借去! Shit, 快点还回来!要due料!
8.未來想做什麼: 牙医+面包师+作家, Ambitious 勒~
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : 有~
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : 当然要!
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : 古晋的朋友
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : 极度伤心,不知要怎么办
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : 没有“帕托”过波...
14.聖誕節要做啥 : 看多多感人的Christmas Special Movie!
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : 家人和朋友
16.有沒有起床气 : 好像没有勒~
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 1个姐姐、1个妹妹、1个弟弟
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : 美梦成真 - 许如芸
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : UNDO (钢之炼金术师)
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : 蓝色
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : 不是上完才冲的哈?
22.愛不愛我 : *摇头*
23.喜歡男生還是女生 : 我很“straight”的, OK... =.=
24.最想大聲說什麼 : *沉默*
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : 敢啦!
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : 不然勒?!
27.誰很欠打 : 欠打的人
28.現在很迷什麼 : 看漫画、看动漫、看“Merlin” (介绍你们去看,蛮好看的!).... 不行不行! 要考书料! Focus! T-T
29.睡相很差 : 不知道哦,没有看过自己的睡相
30.現在的時間 : 下午12时51分
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : 有一点咯... 题目酱废...
32.體重多少 : *没有看到*
33.今天天氣 : 阴
34.你懷孕了嗎 : OMG,你怎么会知道?!?! =.="
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : 啊...不知道... 没有想过
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : erm.... (我真的不知道.... T-T)
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色你選: 多一条蓝色! 耶!
1. 思霓
2. 玉玲
3. 仿如
4. 凯德
5. 川颖
7. 敬珑
8. 小嘉
9. 诗雅
03-【 8號(小嘉)的興趣是】:
有~ 1个哥哥
嗯... 不错啊~ 其实我不是很清楚啦...XD
苹果青! (耶,竟然记得!)
ei.... 好像不是...
5月8号(最近在别人的blog有看到,否则就不会回答了... 对不起小嘉!哈哈)
怪怪的 *哈哈-没有啦* 她人很好,喜欢想太多(和我一样)XD
1.是誰傳給你這份問卷的 : 姐姐
2.你們認識多久呢 : 我一出生就认识了=.=
3.你覺得他(她)對你來說很重要嗎 : 非常、非常重要
4.你與他(她)的關係是 : 姐妹
5.請問他(她)的興趣是 : 自己
6.你覺得他(她)的個性如何 : 很差劲,哈哈
7.他(她)在你心目中是幾分 : 11/10
*睡覺前第一件事 : 祷告
*起床前第一件事 : 压snooze
*你的偶像是 : 没有
*你喜歡的季節 : 秋季
*你打工過嗎 : 怎样才算是打工?
*打工次數 : 回答我上面的问题先...
*你想去的國家 : 欧洲国家
*你討厭什麼樣的個性 : 强词夺理、自以为是
*你常哭嗎 : 不会
*你常笑嗎 : 会?
*去玩時喜歡一個人去嗎 : 不喜欢
*是假日時你都睡到幾點 : 早上10点左右
*今天的天氣是(晴 雨 陰): 阴
*朋友和情人你會選擇 : 朋友
*機會和命運你會選擇 : 机会
*你很自戀嗎 : 当然不会~
*這問卷多不多 : 还敢问!!!!
*要怎樣才能讓自己過的好一點 : 把事情看开一点
*喜欢吃什么 :好吃的东西
*喜歡吃冰嗎 : 喜欢~ 但没有晓君那样夸张,哈哈
*現在幸福嗎 : 不知道
*最在乎哪幾個朋友 : 第一部分那里提到的7个
*房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : 床
*最常夢到什麼 : 尔... 忘了...
*男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : 看情况
*你认为人生的意义是什么 : 过得充实
*你知道吗?(看你们怎么回答!): 知道什么? *三八的样子*
*什么时候最讨厌我 : 不知道... 你念我的时候?
*向往出世抑或入世,向往道家抑或儒家? : 我应该会选择入世(儒家思想)...
*你喜欢吃什么蛋糕? : Chocolate Mousse
*请问这个游戏可以停止了吗? : 早就可以了...
*喜欢沙丁鱼吗^^? : 可以啦
*谁是你的知己? :姐姐呱...
*IQ/EQ哪一个比较高? : 差不多一样啦,哈哈
*電腦还是手機? : 电脑
*比较喜欢睡觉还是玩? : 看情况
*Friendster 还是 Facebook ? : 都没意见
*What is your cellphone model? : LG ice-cream series
*Missing someone ? : mama、Eric、古晋的朋友
*重色轻友吗?: 不会
总于写完了! walao, 够变态的... 没有加自己的问题,因为已经酱长了... 希望被我点到的人会回答这个tag咯!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Location: U Sun and I Sun's apartment.
The plane haven't write finish gok...
The sausages are already being cooked.
Everyone chatting around.
"Action Queen" Emily. hehe...
本区 still "hard at work".
本区 wearing apron.
But we keep ooh-ing and aah-ing
and keep taking pictures
so in the end he paiseh and took it off. haha...
Don't they look nice?
Cooking the chicken now.
The gourmet patties are almost done.
Look at the sauce and juices pooling. Mmm~
These are super delicious!!
We kiap them in bread. Lovely!
Our chef taking a break.
Eat! Eat! Eat!
The BBQ pit is situated in the Activites area. We realized that all around us, a lot of people were exercising.
On our right: Tennis Court.
To our left: Swimming pool.
Opposite the BBQ pit: The gymnasium.
T-T Poeple are keeping fit but we're gaining weight!
Looking at the 2007 毕业特刊.
Looking at the 2008 毕业特刊.
Somehow, I Sun has a copy.
I want mine too!!!!
本区 cleaning the umm... grill (what's it called)?
I Sun helping him.
T-T So hard to take a shot of her.
Clean lei~
合照. Free-style~
After that, we went to watch a movie in the the tiny cinema U Sun had rented. (This apartment building has everything!) I Sun had rented two movies earlier.
Look at this place! 爽~
Emily taking pictures at the front.
合照 (missing some people though ^-^).
Look at Emily~
You can see how big and comfy the seat is.
Because we have to take the train home, Janet、本区 and I didn't stay to watch to movie and left for Melbourne Central. Aahh, how I wished I could've stayed! We were having such a great time~
I really enjoyed myself. This also proves that 一中 people know how to have a whooping great time!